Sweet Treats for you Sweetheart. ♥️♥️♥️
Order one of our many Valentine's Day treats online at www.breadsandbeyondbakery.com or by calling (440) 888-5623.
*We will be open tomorrow at 7am.
Game day is almost here and we have some savory options for you.
Pepperoni bread and pumpernickel appetizer bread to make an old time favorite, hanky pankies.
Chiefs or Eagles? Who are you rooting for?
We have a lot of goodies for your Superbowl Sunday!
Pecan Sticky Buns Anyone?
We are open until 6pm today. Stop by and get yourself a treat on this gloomy rainy day.
It's soup bowl season and we have you covered. We have Italian, pumpernickel, rye, and wheat bread bowls available.